SWR2/Deutschlandfunk 2010, 48 Min. By Thilo Guschas.

Egypt 2.0. The power of the bloggers.
Somebody who enters the word EGYPT in google pictures should not be presented photos o the pyramids, but of police torture. This is only one of many, ambitious aims of critical Egyptians. The internet is their medium. Their plan is to inform the world community about defects in their country in order to trigger a change in their society. The Egyptian dictatorship should become a democracy with fair elections and freedom of speech. The most popular and effective channel are blogs – internet diaries that make it possible to put down an uncensored view on the world. Plastered with self-recorded video clips, TV recordings and self-composed songs. There is a broad range. Blogs have become a mass phenonemon, including intelligent and carefully balanced analyses of the situation as well as aggressive provocations. Blogs have gained a momentum in the political process.